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Inspired Methods & Philosophies

Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences theory is sensitive to one’s natural learning style and supports maximizing teaching by drawing on a child’s natural strengths. Gardner’s theory challenges the notion that everyone can learn the same materials in the same way. He argues that children will be better served by a broader vision of education, wherein teachers use different methodologies.

To help teachers make the right connection, Gardner identifies seven distinct types of intelligence that children may possess.

7 Types of Intelligence
Visual-Spatial Bodily-kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Linguistic Logical-mathematical

Reggio Emilia Approach views teachers as learners and the physical environment as the “third teacher”.

It recognizes that children learn through actively seeing, touching, moving and listening in the world around them.

It trusts teachers, parents and children to cooperate as part of an educational team to discover and investigate areas of interest.

As children proceed in their investigation, generating and testing their hypotheses, they are encouraged to depict their understanding through different means of communication including drawing, sculpture, dramatic play and writing.

The curriculum is characterized by many features including real-life problem solving among peers along with numerous opportunities for creative thinking and exploration.

Dr. Maria Montessori emphasizes respect for individual differences and social interaction. Her practical and tested methods for bringing forth the best in young human beings, stress education of the whole personality rather than teaching a specific body of knowledge.

Her method views children as they really are and create environments, which foster the fulfillment of their highest potential - spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual - as members of a family, the world community.

Montessori educational practice helps children develop creativity, problem solving, critical thinking and time-management skills, to contribute to society and the environment, and to become fulfilled persons in their particular time and place.

The Montessori Method serves the needs of children of all levels of mental and physical ability, as they live and learn in a natural mixed-age group that reflects the society they will live in as adults.

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